Habit 4: Be Positive

Staying positive can help you strive in the hardest of times. Repetitious information has the biggest impact on your belief system. So you have to surround yourself with positivity.
How to surround yourself with positivity:
Daily Affirmations- Your body does what you tell it to do, so tell your brain what to think, what to feel, and how to react. Ex. "I am enough," "I choose to be the best I can be."
Positive Quotes- Repetitious information has the biggest impact on your belief system.
Correct Negative thoughts- If lose a game or something, and you start thinking "I lost. I hope the person who wins falls on their face as they get their trophy." You stop yourself and force yourself to think or just say it out loud "I lost, but I still had fun."
Stay away from negativity- Don't let others negativity weigh on your positive attitude. You are in control of what you feel and how you think.