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Bible Fridays- Courage

Willkommen! (Welcome!) So, every Friday I will be posting a Scripture that I pray will touch in the way that it has touched me. Or I will do a weekly devotion. Enjoy your weekend!

Be strong, have faith and courage, for God is with me. Don't be fearful or distraught for God is always there with you. Psalms 46:1 says that God is our "very present help in trouble." If that's true how can we fear anything?

We have the most powerful being in the Universe on our side; he actually cares for us and loves us. What is there to fear? He will never leave us nor forsake us. Meaning he will NEVER abandon you. You mean too much to him for him to abandon you. We are his children who he loves so much that he sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.

This Week's Challenge:

What scare you the most? Find out what the Bible says about it. Then, take it to God. Pray that he will give peace and will help you overcome your fear.

Or, has God told you to do something, but you're afraid to do it? Just do it! I know you're afraid, but it's better to be obedient and scared than disobedient and scared.

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